March 26, 2012

Day 85--Daughter

Tonight my 4H club had the pleasure of hearing Mr. Don Jakeway, a WWII hero and para-trooper. He is truly an interesting speaker! Thank you, Mr. Jakeway, for your incredible service to our country!

Day 85--Mother

March 18, 2012

Day 77--Daughter

The quality is not so great on this was taken from a vehicle moving a 40mph.
I guess you could call this my "What is happening to America? Part 2." Can anyone tell me...HOW is this "thing" AT ALL appetizing? I mean really. It looks so GROSS! A plastic hot dog with hair? Ewww! What American would even dare eat that?

Day 77-Mother

March 14, 2012

Day 73--Daughter

I learned something new today! I messed with the shutter speed settings on mom's camera. (mine doesn't switch) Can you see the dramatic difference? Over on the left, we have too dark, on the right, too bright. In the middle...just right!

Day 73--Mother

March 12, 2012

Day 72--Daughter

La and I are reading through the American Girl books. I loved these when I was little and I am thoroughly enjoying reading back through them! So far we've finished all 6 Kit and all 6 Molly books. Next, we'll dive into Samantha's world!